hallo interessenten .-)))
das teil geht am mittwoch in den druck - sollte jemand noch interesse haben, dann bitte mail an mich.
bis dienstag sollte man sich allerdings entschieden haben, da ich sonst den namen nicht mehr auf das buch drucken kann.
wie schon angekündigt, müsste ich diesmal um vorkasse bitten
der preis steht fest: 65 euro, inklusive porto und verpackung
überweisung bevorzugt, aber selbstverständlich akzeptiere ich auch paypal.
hier noch die message aus dem casebook für alle die der englischen sprache mächtig sind:
hello everybody,
only a few days left and we hit the deadline. i will bring the whole thing to the printer on wednesday, so i can start sending them out before march ends. this means, all potentional pre-orders have to be set.
i've learned from the furniss reprint and will now just ask one price total for everyone, which will include everything from handling to postage, no matter what country it will be sent.
the total is:
65 euros
85 dollars
45 british pounds
until tuesday i will still be able to add people to the subscribers list on the back (i'm thinking about doing a proper dustjacket aswell) but then i can't accept anymore orders.
as i've told you before i need to ask for payment in advance (paypal in euros preferred)...until tuesday night (20th of march) - please contact me for further details.
i will also need your address and exactly the name which should appear on the subscribers list...if somebody doesn't want to be mentioned i will add "anonymous" with the #.
the hayne reprint will be a burner...promised!!! .-))
if you have further questions please mail me at:
take care