Die Tatverdächtigen > Kosminski, Aaron

Männer, ähnlich Aaron Kosminski!

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In diesem Faden möchte ich euch aus Rob House´Buch, "JACK THE RIPPER AND THE CASE FOR SCOTLAND YARD´S PRIME SUSPECT", Männer vorstellen, die man gerne im Vergleich mit Aaron Kosminski sehen kann oder könnte.

Ich werde hier lediglich zitieren und alles in englischer Sprache belassen. So nach und nach werden einige Postings erscheinen.

Ich hoffe, es geht so klar.

Beste Grüße, Lestrade.

Andrew Goldstein

Rob House:

There are several well-known examples of people who claimed that they were ordered to kill by command –type auditory hallucinations. One such case was the widely reported murder of Kendra Webdale in 1999 by a schizophrenic man named Andrew Goldstein of Queens, New York. In the decade following his first psychotic episode at age eighteen, Goldstein received various diagnosis from psychiatrists, including paranoid schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Goldstein checked himself into numerous hospitals and desperatly wanted help, but despite the fact that doctors considered him dangerous both to himself and to others, he was always released. Goldstein told doctors that he was controlled by someone called Larry, and that he was “concerned about his impuls to hurt women.“  Goldstein acted on these impulses numerous times, and in one two-year period, he attacked thirteen people (mostly woman) in various places-several were hospital nurses, but others were simply strangers in a bookstore or a fast- food restaurant. “Someone is inhabiting me and making me do things,“ Goldstein said. “You feel like something´s entering you, like you´re being inhabited. I don´t know. And then, I feel like it´s not there, that sensation. Now I´m sane again. Then I´m normal. And then, it´s there again and then, it´s not“.
During Goldstein´s final hospital admission in December 1998, it was reported that he was “disorganized, thought disordered, and delusional,“ and that he was unwashed and smelled bad (December 9); on December 10, the records showed that he “remains psychotic“; on December 11, he “remains paranoid.“ Doctors attempted to have Goldstein admitted to a long- term care facility, but finding no vacancy, they instead released him a few days later.
On Sunday, January3, 1999, Goldstein spent much of the day listening to Madonna and claimed that he “drew pictures in his mind of a blimp on a green lawn in Germany during the 1930s.“ In the afternoon he went out to record store, and at 5 p.m., he descended into the subway station at Broadway and 23rd Street. According to witnesses, in the subway station Goldstein was mumbling to himself, alternately standing on his tiptoes and pacing back and forth. He approached a young blond woman named Dawn Lorenzio and tried to talk to her, but Lorenzino turned around and said, “What are you lookimng at?“ Goldstein then approached a second woman, Kendra Webdale, and asked her the time. After Webdale answered, Goldstein walked away and stood near the wall behind her.
As the train began to enter the station, according to Goldstein, “He felt a sensation, like a ghost or a spirit entering him and he got the urge to push, kick or punch the woman with blonde hair (that is, Lorenzino).“ Then, inexplicably, he rushed forward and instead shoved Webdale so hard that she flew in front of the train “like a skydiver.“ When police arrived at the scene, Goldstein was sitting calmly on the floor, surrounded by a crowd of people. “I don´t know the woman,“ he said “I just pushed her.“
In a taped interview that was shown during the trial, Goldstein was asked why he did it.“Oh, I don´t know,,“ he responded. “I feel like people talk, uh, talk through me, you know.“
„Who talks through you?“ the interviewer asked.
„People. Like they say things, you know, like a plot or something.“
“What´s a plot?“
“Against, against, against me.“
Goldstein´s case is interesting because he apparently had psychopathic characteristics in addition to hearing command- type hallucinations. At his trial, the prosecution argued that he had a relatively mild disorder “in the schizophrenic spectrum,“ but that he “had `anti- social` features that were more relevant to his act than his schizophrenia.“ Although the statement that Goldstein´s mental disorder was “mild“ is almost certainly inaccurate, given the overwhelming evidence of his psychosis, it is quite possible that a psychopathic antisocial tendency was an even greater factor in his numerous attacks on woman. The prosecution, for example, presented evidence that Goldstein had a great anger due to rejection by woman, and that a former roommate´s stripper girlfriend had teased him. Goldstein´s landlady testified that when maid went downstairs to clean teh appartment, she found Goldstein “lying on his bed exposed and he didn´t cover himself.“ According to the prosecution, this was evidence that Goldstein “had been sexually inappropriate with woman.“ Yet at the same time, Goldstein´s roommate testified that he “was never disrespectful and never violent and very calm.“ This presents a complex picture, but in many respects, Goldstein may have been similar to Kozminski. Like Goldstein, Kozminski claimed to be controlled by an “instinct“,“ was unwashed, and clearly

Ich bin sehr froh, dass House uns diesen Mann präsentieren konnte. Goldstein entspricht meiner Vorstellung des Rippers (sogar äußerlich aber dazu gleich).

Interessant finde ich besonders "standing on his tiptoes and pacing back and forth" im Vergleich zu Schwartz seinem "The half-tipsy man halted and spoke to her". Bei Goldstein passierte es ja, als "etwas von ihm Besitz ergriff".

Vergleichen wir alles was wir über Aaron Kosminski wissen, was wir von den Polizeibeamten über "Kozminski" wissen und wo wir vermuten, dass es mit "Kozminski" zu tun hat, mit Andrew Goldstein, dann wird vieles schon aufschlußreicher.

Goldstein "sprach" in einem kurzen Intervall, mehr wie eine Frau an, dass gleiche dürfen wir von Jack the Ripper erwarten. In gewisser Art und Weise, wandte Goldstein sich erst von seinem Opfer ab um dann "wiederzukehren". Das gleiche oder ähnliches könnte in der Berner Street passiert sein. Eine plötzliche und auch tötliche Attacke
bei Webdale und Stride.

Israel Schwartz könnte, auch wenn ich jetzt vom Thema kurz abschweife, tatsächlich Jack the Ripper (Kozminski, Aaron Kosminski) gesehen haben, aber "Pipeman" diesen Mann wirklich gut und vorallem dichter an der entgültigen Tat.

Schwartz´ "broad shouldered man" und Cox sein Statement:

"The man we suspected was about five feet six inches in height, with short, black, curly hair,..."

bringen etwas Ironie in den Fall von Andrew Goldstein, weil er auf folgenden Link auf dem Bild den beiden Äußerungen irgendwie nahekommt.



Goldstein war übrigens zur Tatzeit 30 Jahre alt.


Rob House:

An interesting example from the FBI´s Behavioral Sciences Unit study was a man referred to only as Warren. After his incarceration for “assault with intent to commit murder,“ Warren underwent a series of psychological evalutions and was diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic with a severe antisocial personality disorder. He was found to be “uncooperative, withdrawn, irritable, resentful and hostile,“ and although he had  a tested IQ of 115, he was described as “pre- occupied, and at times he seemed to be listening to some inner voice (as though he were experiencing auditory hallucinations, which he denied).“ Warren sounds eerily similar to Kozminski as he was described in some of his psychiatric evaluations. Warren was eventually released and went on to commit several murders, some of which included postmortem mutilations. In one case, reminiscent of the Mary Kelly murder, Warren removed both of the victim´s breasts and put them between her legs.

 In one case, reminiscent of the Mary Kelly murder, Warren removed both of the victim´s breasts and put them between her legs.

Gerade für Diskussionen in diesem Faden hier, sollte Warren interessant sein:


Richard Chase

Rob House:

Another clear example of a very dangerous schizophrenic serial killer was Richard Chase, the so-called Vampire of Sacramento, who killed six people during a span of one month in the late 1970s. Chase believed that he had soap-dish poisoning, the result of which was that “his blood was turning to powder and that he thus needed blood from others creatures to replenish it.“ This became, in Chase´s mind, a justification for several murders in which he cannibalized his victims and drank their blood. Like Kozminski, Chase was paranoid- he believed that Nazis were behind the soap-dish poisoning  and later thought that prison officials were poisoning his food


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