Autor Thema: Mann mit geschwärztem Gesicht  (Gelesen 7418 mal)

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Mann mit geschwärztem Gesicht
« am: 17.10.2004 16:06 Uhr »
mal was zum schmunzeln:

Nach dem Mord an Kelly wurde am 11. November in der George Yard ein Mann aufgegabelt, der sich sein Gesicht geschwärzt hatte und eine Frau zu Tode erschrocken hatte. Die Frau (Humphreys) rief "Mord" und sofort stürmten wohl die sensibilisierten Anwohner herbei und griffen den mysteriösen Mann auf. Die dachten wohl sie hätten JtR geschnappt und wollten ihn lynchen. Nur dem Eingreifen der Polizei war es zu verdanken, dass der Mann mit dem Leben davonkam.
Der Name des Mannes: Dr. William Holt, Arzt im St. George Hospital.
Er gab bei den Vernehmung an, dass er unter verschiedenen Verkleidungen versucht hatte, dem Mörder auf die Schliche zu kommen.
Er wurde dann wieder freigelassen.

Der Typ muss mächtig einen an der Waffel gehabt haben...

Manchester Guardian
12. November 1888

"The man giving the name of Holt who was arrested in connection with the Whitechapel murder has been discharged.
It was ascertained that he is really connected with St. George's Hospital and has a residence at Willesden.
He stated in conversation with police officers that he was an amateur detective and had been out in various
disguises for the last few nights. He is said to be well connected, but no friends have appeared. He was
released at a quarter to two, telegrams from his friends having established his identity."

12. November 1888

"Great excitement was caused shortly before 10 o'clock last night by the arrest of a man with a blackened face who publicly proclaimed himself to be "Jack the Ripper." This was at the corner of Wentworth-street, Commercial-street, near the scene of the latest crime. Two young men, one a discharged soldier, immediately seized him, and the great crowd, which always on a Sunday night parades this neighbourhood, raise a cry of "Lynch him." Sticks were raised, the man was furiously attacked, and but for the timely arrival of the police he would have been seriously injured. The police took him to Leman-street station, when the prisoner proved to be a very remarkable person. He refused to give any name, but asserted that he was a doctor at St. George's Hospital. He is about 35 years of age, 5ft. 7in. in height, of dark complexion, with dark moustache, and was wearing spectacles. He wore no waistcoat, but had an ordinary jersey vest beneath his coat. In his pocket he had a double-peaked, light check cap, and at the time of his arrest was bareheaded. It took four constables and four other persons to take him to the station and protect him from the infuriated crowd. He is detained in custody, and it seems that the police attach importance to the arrest, as his appearance answers to the police description of the man who is wanted."

und noch zwei Original-zeitungsausschnitte, die glaube ich auch nicht im casebook sind...

    - EDIT 2 min später: häh? wieso ist in der vorschau die Reihenfolge der Artikel richtig, jetzt aber nicht mehr??? -