so, habe jetzt nochmal nachgedacht + nachgelesen.
Also es handelt sich hier nicht direkt um eine Zeitungsente, sondern um "Reibungsverluste" von deutschen Korrespondenten - oder Thomas hat beim Abschreiben eine Fehler gemacht ;-)
Es wurde nicht eine Leiche ohne Arm gefunden, sondern ein Arm ohne Leiche.
z.B. Star 12.09.88:
"As reported in our later editions last evening a discovery which apparently affords at least presumptive evidence of a murder and the dismemberment of the victim has been made in Pimlico. In the Thames, near the Grosvenor-road, and about opposite Ward's timber yard, a policeman's attention was yesterday attracted to something at which a number of boys were throwing stones. He examined the object of which the boys were making a target, and found that it was a human arm, with the hand attached. Considerably startled, the constable at once removed his ghastly find to the station, and it was inspected by Dr. Neville, the district police surgeon, whose establishment is in the Pimlico-road. He found the arm had been cut from the shoulder, and that the dismemberment had evidently been done by an unskilful person. There was a cord tied round the arm near the shoulder end, and this circumstance adds to the mysterious nature of the find."
Vermutlich war das er Arm des Whitehall-Torsos...
Davon abgesehen trotzdem: dass man Mitte September von drei Morden ausging liegt daran, dass man
Martha Tabram als Ripper-Opfer ansah.