hab heute mal ein nach abberline im internet geforscht. dabei bin ich auf ein foto gestoßen, welchen aus der englischen wikipedia ist und ihn angeblich zeigen soll.
hier noch die bildbeschreibung aus den wiki commons:
Crop of original group photograph taken of H Division at Leman Street police station in London c.1886. Authors Wolf Vanderlinden (in Ripper Notes #26, July 2006) and Donald Rumbelow (in Jack the Ripper: SCotland Yard Investigates, released in October of 2006) tentatively identify this as Abberline. He reasons that the photograph was taken while Abberline was a detective officer at the station. The bowler-hat and mutton-chop whiskers match contemporary sketches and descriptions of Abberline. As an inspector he would have had a prominent position in any photograph taken; this gentleman is standing in the front row. This identification is in dispute, however, as a number of authors have pointed at the man to the right in this photo (this man's left) as being Abberline, as that man also has similar facial hair, has a cane in the correct hand, and, most importantly, more closely matches a contemporary illustration of Abberline.
gruss zom