Bücher Besprechungen/Neuerscheinungen -NON-fiction


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[1] Neues Buch: »Jack the Ripper – Die Whitechapel-Morde 1888: Eine Chronologie«

[2] "The Five" der Historikerin Hallie Rubenhold

[3] Jack the Ripper Uncovenanted by Kristina Nordqvist!

[4] Jacob the Ripper: The Case Against Jacob Levy!

[5] Adam Wood, Swanson: The Life and Times of a Victorian Detective!

[6] London and its "genius loci" - a journey beyond time and place

[7] Inside Bucks Row von Steven E. Blomer!

[8] The American Murders Of Jack The Ripper -Michael Gordon.

[9] The Whitechapel Murders of 1888: Another Dead End?


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